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tv   Fox 5 News Edge at 11  FOX  October 23, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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[ female announcer ] seen this from mitt romney? then take a look at this. [ anderson cooper ] if roe v. wade was overturned, congress passed a federal ban on all abortions, and it came to your desk -- would you sign it? "yes" or "no"? let me say it -- i'd be delighted to sign that bill. [ female announcer ] banning all abortions? i'd be delighted to sign that bill. [ female announcer ] trying to mislead us? that's wrong. but ban all abortions? only...if you vote for him. ♪
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this is fox 5 news at 10:00. the new apple products get a -- and this one was no different. unveiled its new i-pad mini today. takes us to the new announcement to give os closer look. >> this is i-pad mini.
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>> apple vice presidentof worldwide marketing made the announcement today in san jose. starting at $329 the new i-pad mini is 23% thinner and 53% lighter. as thin as a pencil and light as a pad of paper. >> it's great for surfing the web, sharing with friends and family. >> with the success of the kindle fire and other smaller tablets, the president of -- group says he may have felt the pressure. >> the 7-inch tablets have been selling well. a lot of us thought the 7-inch tablets were going to be a betweener product but it is easier to carry. >> the announcement comes on the heels of the new i-phone 5 release featuring a new screen.
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apple has sold more than 1 million i-pads. the new version is 7-point -- ceo tim cook says it's been an amazing year for apple. >> it has been an incredible year. with all of these new products and all of the applications and cloud services, this has been a truly prolific year of innovation for apple. >> began with the wi-fi only version going on sell november 2 november 2nd. adam shapiro. >> so what makes this version of the i-pad different than the last one except size. according to apple this is an entirely new design something a tech geek says you have got to pay attention to. >> apple takes great pride in their industrial design so they
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talk about the preengineered finish. if you crack it open it's all battery on the inside. it's supposed to be a very good camera on the back of it. >> in case you are wondering every app you have on your i- pad or i-phone currently will also work on the mini. more than one and a half million dollars of chips. a man walked into an empty casino area and stole them. fox's elizabeth watts has more. >> photographed by the eye in the sky at the veteran'sian where police said he stole $1 million in chips. it happened wednesday, october 10th at about 6:00 p.m. said coal snuck into a private casino area and pried open a
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locked chip container. there was no weapon and no confrontation with employees or guests and he got away with a variety of chips. >> anybody that comes back to the casino to try to cash these chips will be met by security. >> lieutenant robert did you value a said a few people tried to cash in these stolen chips. gaming expert david short said it's not easy to cash in high denomination chips. >> if you are playing at that level you usually have credit and they know you pretty well. so it's more difficult to turn in that than say a 25-dollar chips. >> and reps add the redeemable value is only about 10. >> and it's not like stealing cash. there's basically one place on earth where you can cash these in. >> short says he doesn't understand why people continue to try to rob casinos because
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as you know, the house always win. >> reporter: coal is wanted on suspicion of burglary and other charges. a 12-year-old girl who disappeared saturday was murdered. adam never came back from a bike ride on saturday. her body found yesterday outside a home just a few blocks from hers. a 15-year-old and 17-year-old who lived there are accused of the murder. a bizarre twist in a vicious killing of a woman. she was 8 1/2 months pregnant and was set to get married the day after she was killed. say the killer left a note at the scene and threatened to kill more pregnant women unless convicted sniper lee mall vow is released. agency now responding to
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those controversial ads that equate muslim -- with sav annals. and talks about her life and death battle with a flesh eating bacteria. stocks rocked investors running for cover. some investors say they are running for cover. that make scotch tape not expecting to make as much money. the reason, weakness in europe's economy. diddupont t doing as well either. nissan, after facebook opening its books reporting earns and sales slightly ahead of expectations but facebook stock still trading at nearly 50% blow and some serious changes
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at sears. say hello to my little friend, i-pad mini. apple is getting new competition from smaller tablet devices. the new minis are going to start at 329 bucks. that's business on neal cavuto.  president obamama: i'm barack obama and i approve...
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this message. anncr:r: victims. dependent. that's what mitt romney called forty-seven percent... of americans. including people on medicare. but what about his plan for you? romney would replace guaranteed benefits with a voucher system. seniors could pay six thousand dollars more a year. a plan aarp says would undermine medicare. you're no earned your benefits. don't let mitt romney take them away. but to me, it's money that i earned. man: to some people, social security is just a number. i count on social security. and i don't want washington politicians like george allen... privatizing it. if george allen wants to risk his own money on wall street... that's fine. but i don't want him risking mine. george allen just isn't watching out for us. anncr: the democratic senatorial campaign committee is... responsible for the content of this advertising.
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monitoring metro and the real ads, metro said it's adding disclaimers. does not endorse the message. the ads went up calling muslims radical savages. a rocket carrying 2
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russians and 1 american is on its way to the international space station. the 3 men are scheduled to arrive at the space station on thursday and they are carrying 32 small fish to see how they adapt to weightlessness. the fish will live in a special tank that was delivered to the space station on an earlier flight. the smithsonian's air and space museum has added flight two worn by william he he he kerr. he worry the uniform. his family decided to donate the suit in his memory. coming up tonight a serious groper strikes again in northern virginia. this time he assaulted a woman in daylight as she pushed a baby in a stroller. has the issue on same sex marriage gone too far?
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even when she's not going anywhere. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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[ female announcer ] seen this from mitt romney? then take a look at this. [ anderson cooper ] if roe v. wade was overturned, congress passed a federal ban on all abortions, and it came to your desk -- would you sign it? "yes" or "no"? let me say it -- i'd be delighted to sign that bill. [ female announcer ] banning all abortions? i'd be delighted to sign that bill. [ female announcer ] trying to mislead us? that's wrong. but ban all abortions? only...if you vote for him. ♪
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okay. [ male announcer ] with citibank's popmoney, dan can easily send money by email right from his citibank account. nice job ben. [ male announcer ] next up -- the gutters. citibank popmoney. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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congressman jesse jackson, jr. returning to the hospital for treatment of his mood disorder. jackson went on medical leave in june and was released from the clinic in september. say the congressman looks well but will remain under doctor's care. there was periods of great laughter but then there was also some periods where she was actually crying, when he would think about the effects of all this on his family. jackson hasn't been campaigning for his november 6 november 6th reelection bid. a robo call was sent to voters but his family said he won't return until his doctor gives him the okay. another case of flesh eating bacteria. this time a high school student has been affected.
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george franco has more tonight. >> i basically missed the stuff and went all down. >> about a month ago kristin row fell down some steps at a friend's home. >> i fell and busted my leg open. >> reporter: by monday night the gash in her leg was a lot worse. >> i couldn't put any pressure on it and she took me to the hospital. >> kristin was transferred to scott issue rights hospital in atlanta. three months later a doctor surprised her. >> a doctor stood at the end of the bed and said how does it feel to have the flesh eating bacteria and i asked him, are you serious, and he said yes, i thought you knew. >> laveta said she literally shuck with fear after following the story of -- with flesh
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eating bacteria. >> i looked at my baby and i thought i was going to lose her. >> it says i hope you get well soon. >> reporter: the cards and moment ohs poured into the hospital. kristin was released, able to walk but still so acceptable. >> what about a tattoo. >> no. >> reporter: along with the last tattoo and piercing, kristin wears a cross. >> i think it's god's way of telling me that he has bigger better things planned for me in life. >> she's not sure what that is in life but is happy she will get to find out. i'm george franco, fox 5. a former teammate of lance armstrong's is now admitting he used steroids. he said he used performance
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enhancing drugs. he said he was not aware of what other teammates were doing. just yesterday the -- stripped armstrong of his 7 titles. it's as if they never happened. lance armstrong's achievements are no longer his twitter page. last night his twitter profile simply said, raising my 5 kids, bike ride whatever i can. ez active on twitter and has nearly 4 million followers. did you see it, the soccer game that turned into an all out brawl. take a look at what happened at a game. you could see it, the teams were all over each other. coaches and refs couldn't stop it. in fact one coach got punched in the head. afterwards some players said they couldn't continue why someone on the winning team would start that fight.
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>> one of their kids swung at our players and it escalated from there a lot farther than it should have gone. >> just sad that the section final would have to end like that for no apparent reason. >> reporter: police may charge assault charges in the brawl which sent one player to the hospital for stitches in his lip. the state league is also investigating. the third week in october and we're talking 80. today we were close. dull lose was 79. that's 80 if you ask me. and we're going to do it all over again tomorrow. looks like warm temperatures for the next few days and then we'll cool off as we start heading into the weekend. the way it looks now next week is not into the upper 70s or 80s. temperatures right now have been cooling off just a little bit. 66 here in town.
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some places, man man ases already down into the upper 50s. they will continue to cool down tonight. we're talking the low to mid- 50s. i mentioned the temperature at dulles today, reagan national almost there. at 78 degrees, across america, we have most of the area under unusually warm temperatures. wichita kansas, 91. that's above normal for them. lincoln is 77 for a high today. fargo, they like 66 this time are of year. chicago 70. so everything from the central plains to the east is nice and warm, unusually warm. the coolest of the weather is out to the northwest of us. of course the northwest earn
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u.s. -- along canada is unsettled as well. but as you get back to our side of the world here, we are warm and it looks like we stay warm for at least the next few days or so. this storm track will gradually change and the cool air will come in. it will arrive for the latter part of the weekend. but our temperature trend shows here for the next 4 days, temperatures real nice. 76 on thursday. friday back down into the lower 70s. we should average 66 for this time of year. so again, well above where we he should be. passing clouds this evening. any chance of rain will stay well up to the north of us. central, northern sections of pennsylvania and then farther back out to the west and the ohio valley as this comes toward us it will weaken, fall apart and die out. so we're just talking about some passing clouds overnight tonight.
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future cast tomorrow morning when we wake up, some of us will have some clouds. some of us will have some sunshine, so we'll call it sun and clouds. good part of tomorrow looks fairly sunny but we'll have passing areas of clouds coming across. we do stay dry and take you into thursday morning. perhaps this is a little influence of the ocean. we call this the marine layer but as we progress through the day on thursday that will quickly burn off and i do believe that most of thursday and according to future cast as well looks nice. here in town, 61 degrees. a little cooler out in the suburbs. still warm tomorrow. we will have passing clouds and some sunshine as well. winds will be out of the west, northwest at 10 to 15. temperature tomorrow at lunchtime already up into the middle 70s. by 5:00 we're talking upper
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70s. reaching up into the lower 80s, primarily the mid-80s will be confined to our southern and southwest areas. fox 5 accuweather forecast, a lot of 70s on that. but as we get toward the latter part of the week, sunday primarily, chance for some rain, 63 degrees. next week the highs for the first few days of the week into the 50s. let me caution you, the weekend and beyond on that forecast is subject to change based on what's happening with tropical storm sandy. there's a frontal system out to the west of us. we could have multiple scenarios. what you need to know a heat streak for the next few days. yes. still ahead tonight, call it a disturbing twist on fantasy football. a high school caught playing in a sex league. the game that has a community in an uproar coming up next.
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anncr: seven-hundred-thousand jobs.
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that's what the plan george allen supports... would cost our economy. newspapers called it "economically destructive." like allen's votes to give tax breaks to companies... that ship jobs overseas, his economic plan would... help big corporations, devastating the middle class. allen even voted against tax breaks for small businesses. virginia can't afford to go back to george allen. the democratic senatorial campaign committee... is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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parents of some california athletes have learned their sons formed what they call a fantasy league for sex. they might not be disciplined by the school. paul chambers explains what's going on. >> it's the home of the high landers and also a controversial organization. say the male varsity football team set up what they call a fantasy shut league. the school has been investigating the league. the school sent a letter home saying
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also in that letter students say they felt pressured to participate and lacked confidence to overtly stop it and say in some cases alcohol was involved. a letter from the principal said there will be an assembly to address these issues. however, since these matters happened off school grounds no action will be taken. the principal went on to say the letter speaks for itself. it is a matter of teams and parents working together. the news keeps coming tonight. here's bryante


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